Hans Soenen

art & design productions

Hans Soenen 1957°

Higher art education - graduates - Sint Lucas Ghent – laureaat

Higher art education of the long type - Sint Lucas Ghent , master’s in graphics (applied and free graphics)


Visual artist

Lecturer higher education in applied arts

Organiser and curator of exhibitions and events

Visual artist

Etchings , lithography, pastel and charcoal drawings , oil and acrylic paintings


Solo exhibition 'Impressions' - Ingelmunster


Solo exhibition in the gallery 'André Demetshuis' - Wielsbeke


Solo exhibition in the gallery in Tielt


Solo exhibition in gallery 'Sennesael-Dewulf' - Ghent


Solo exhibition Bank BBL - Kortrijk


Group exhibition 'Hedendaagse Figuratie' - Lommel


Group exhibition - Work acquired by the National Bank - Brussels


Group exhibition - Zoute Art Gallery - Luc Pieters - Knokke


Solo exhibition - Zoute Art Gallery - Luc Pieters - Knokke


Solo exhibition - 'De Warande' - Brussels


Exhibition - 'Classics III' - Kortrijk XPO

1988 - 1993

Permanent exhibition - Zoute Art Gallery - Knokke
Mallorca -Spain -France -'Royal Serres Laken

1988 - 1995 - 1997

Laeken Suite -'Royal Greenhouses' a series of 160 paintings through various exhibitions at Zoute Art Gallery - Knokke


Exhibition 'LINE ART' Ghent One Man Show, with Zoute Art Gallery


Exhibition 'Elegance in steel' Mahy - Ghent


Exhibition 'Greenfingers' Gallery Van den Berghe - Kortrijk


Solo exhibition in 'Flanders Expo hallen' - Ghent


Retrospective solo exhibition 'A princely paradise Exhibition 'Royal Greenhouses of Laken' in the North Brabant Museum in 's Hertogenbosch the Netherlands - Watercolours and drawings


Exhibition in the Royal Museum of Fine Arts - KMSK - Antwerp 'Classical beauty' museum selection of 15 Flemish contemporary artists in figuration style


International publication in 'Grasduinen - magazine' art in the spotlight


Solo exhibition gallery 'Frame' - Knokke


Solo exposition bank ING - Kortrijk

2000 - 2023

Various solo exhibitions in collaboration with galleries in Belgium


Own gallery ' Art and Design Productions' Kortrijk
Exhibition 'Landscapes of water and wood
Art Weekend Kortrijk

Artand Design Productions - Virtual galleries www.artanddesignproductions.be

Hans Soenen 1957°

Teacher higher education

Applied arts, lecturer in industrial sciences - Howest- Industrial Design centre product design.

1983 - 1995

Lecturer Industrial textile design - Provincial Education West Flanders


co-founder of the THOKTSP Degree in Industrial Textile Design - PTI Kortrijk


co-founder of the 'Master Industrial Engineer Industrial Design' programme at HOWEST University College West Flanders

1995 - 2023

lecturer and staff member at this college in the IO and IPO programmes Industrial Design Center

1995 - 2004

expo coordinator 'Tweedaagse van de industrie'


Founder of the platform 'OPIOK' Open Platform Industrial Design Kortrijk

2004 - 2014

general coordinator 'Week van het Ontwerpen'- Design Week Kortrijk commissioned by the city of Kortrijk, industrial design exhibitions


Expo 'Industrial design' in Eindhoven during DDW- Dutch Design Week Eindhoven ( NL)

2005 - 2014

Member of DRK - Design Region Kortrijk


coordination 'Design for flexible materials', Howest & Fedustria- Brussels


coordination Industrie Hoger Onderwijs - exhibitions I.s.m. Kortrijk XPO


'Prototyping' fair i.s.m. Kortrijk XPO ( scenography exhibition stands )


'Design to Manufacturing' - Kortrijk XPO ( content and scenography )


'SMAAK' ( Week van de Smaak ) curator and expo coordination 'Best of Belgian Food Photography' commissioned by POM-West Flanders.


participation in 'Wonderfestival & Art Weekend' Kortrijk


Innovation manager at various companies in Flanders and northern France




Gold & Silver

Paintings and prints by

Hans soenen

Extended until 28/02


Over 40 graphic artworks, issued in limited editions, signed, and numbered with a certificate from the artist.

Gold & Silver
Paintings and prints - Hans Soenen

Extended until 28/02

This exhibition features graphic work by artist Hans Soenen, including lithographs, screen prints, and art giclée prints. The exhibition provides an overview of the transition from figurative to suggestive, to contemporary abstract work. Light, color, and composition are the guiding themes

Artist owned gallery - Hans Soenen

The Art and Design Productions gallery hosts temporary exhibitions of contemporary artists from various disciplines, with a curated selection by Hans Soenen. The exhibitions are presented across two display windows and a 150m² space in the heart of Kortrijk, DESIGN CORNER KORTRIJK, near Kortrijk K, Wijngaardstraat 23.

Galerie Art and Design Productions

Wijngaardstraat 23, 8500 Kortrijk

Opening Hours

Galerie ART and

Friday 6/12

14:00 - 18:00

Saturday 7/12

14:00 - 18:00

Sunday 8/12

14:00 - 18:00

Wednesday 11/12

14:00 - 18:00

Friday 13/12

14:00 - 18:00

Saturday 14/12

14:00 - 18:00

Sunday 15/12

14:00 - 18:00

Wednesday 18/12

14:00 - 18:00

Friday 20/12

14:00 - 18:00

Saturday 21/12

14:00 - 18:00

Sunday 22/12

14:00 - 18:00

Friday 27/12

14:00 - 18:00

Saturday 28/12

14:00 - 18:00

Thursday 31/12

14:00 - 18:00

New Gallery

New opening hours

New location


Hans soenen

Art & Design Productions

For four decades, Belgian artist and designer Hans Soenen has been passionate about art and design. After his five-year course at School of Arts Sint-Lucas in Ghent, he quickly emerged as a gifted draughtsman. From the start, he paid particular attention to the play between light and shadow. It did not take him long to break through with his drawings, lithographs, watercolors and monumental acrylic paintings.

“The architecture and plantations in the Royal Greenhouses harmonise with each other. The organic vegetation flows together with the beautiful steel trusses in Jugendstil. What’s more, it was completely quiet working there, the environment gave me inspiration for, let’s say, 1000 paintings. The oily reflections on the glass, the warm colours of the sunbeams on the leaves and flowers, the moving light spots, the heat, the humidity and the filtered rays through the lime-stained windows, give this location a unique atmosphere.” - Hans Soenen

To the public, Soenen is best known for his 'Laeken Suite'; a series of some 160 watercolors and drawings of the Royal Greenhouses of Laeken. For four years, Soenen was given the privilege of depicting the greenhouses undisturbed and exclusively. It became a magnificent series that is enduring because of its beautiful color palette and the contrast between organic forms and austere architecture. Like no other, Soenen knows how to suggest light and play with shadow.He later refined his technique in similar series abroad. These included a series on the island of Mainau, located in southern Germany. Soenen made drawings and paintings of the light-flooded botanical gardens there. In these paintings, we see a looser and more suggestive style as a precursor to his attract work. In Spain, he drew inspiration from the famous gardens of the Real Alcazar in Seville and el Jardines de Alfabia. The graphic patterns of Moorish art, such as azulejos, foreshadowed a change in his style.

Constructions 2024

In CONSTRUCTIONS, this artist-designer passionate by art and design, brings balanced compositions on monumental canvases of beautiful linen. The pure linen is part of the work. The colours, compositions and materials merge into one. In his work, we see the balance between ratio and emotion, dynamism and tautness, colouristic and monochrome, spontaneity and control. All this results in timeless compositions in a purified colour palette.

Landscapes of water and Wood 2023

Four decades of experience and craftsmanship mean that Soenen does not shy away from any technical difficulties. The works from the 'water' collection are reminiscent of Claude Monet's later work, which evolve from the 'wood' collection into pure rhythmic areas of color and compositions in a strong balance.

Soenen opts for a square or panoramic format in this series. This is how the abstract landscapes of wood and water structures come into their own. Due to their balanced composition, the works exude tranquility and dynamism at the same time. By working with organic shapes, everything seems to flow into each other. This also applies to the colors, structures and brushwork.

Reflections 2023

Monumental, vertical, and panoramic abstract acrylic paintings reflect on the things we pass by every day. The capture or attempted capture of the very moment in which we perceive something. The accidental reflections on glass or water, flat or curved, surprise in their simplicity. It is not the subject that matters but what the light does to the subject. The artist translates this 'looking at' into paint, taking the viewer into his world of wonder. Suggestive, moving, with elusive compositions without end or beginning, a capture of the wondrous now.


New series of abstract works coming

Over the years, Soenen credited more than 20 exhibitions. Before that, he collaborated with several galleries including L. Pieters in Knokke. His works ended up in public and private collections at home and abroad. He also participated in aretrospective at KMSKA in Antwerp and had his own retrospective at the Noordbrabants Museum in 's-Hertogenbosch (NL).Soenen is not only a free artist, but he also earned his place in the world of industrial design with, among other things, ten years of experience in industrial textile design. He is co-founder of the 'Industrial Engineer Industrial Design' course at the Design Center Howest and helped pave the way to 'UNESCO Design Region Kortrijk' by organizing many design exhibitions. He co-founded 'Week van het Ontwerpen', which he coordinated for 12 years, and which is now known as Wonderfestival Kortrijk. In 2022, he curated the exhibition 'Best of Belgian FoodPhotography' for the ‘Week van de Smaak’ - ‘Week of Tase’ POM W-Vl.
BO BOGAERT Journalist – editor


+32 491 155 158
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